MyTime Cosmetics Body Scan Ritual

Sit comfortably
Give your full body-weight to the chair
No holding back
There’s nowhere to go, nothing you have to do at this time
Nothing to be responsible for, just to watch.
Take up a simple role as an observer
Just watching, witnessing, yourself
With an overall feeling of ‘letting go’
Breathing in through the nose
Breathing out through the mouth
We are going to do a body scan
From the feet upwards
Before we begin, you may want to shuffle your feet around
for maximum ease and comfort

Apply the cream to your feet and to your legs
To your knees and to your thighs
Slowly, lovingly massage it in

Feel the full weight of both feet
On the ground where they are resting
Be aware of your feet
From the heels rights out to the toes
Breathe through the skin on your feet
Breathing in, relax your feet
Breathing out, release all tensions in your feet
Be aware of your ankles
Breathe through your ankles
Breathing in, relax your ankles
Breathing out, release all tensions in your ankles

Aware now of both of your legs
Coming up to your knees
Continuing on past your knees
Up the back of your thighs
To the base of the spine
Aware that it is heavy where it is resting

Now, become aware of your spine
Think your way slowly up the spine
Bit by bit
Slowly, slowly, to the top of the spine

Apply the cream to your shoulders
To your neck and to the whole of your face
Massage it in, slowly, lovingly,
Massage the cream into your shoulders
Your arms and right down to your finger tips

Feel your breath deep down in between the shoulders
Breathing in and breathing out
Breathing in and breathing out
Watch the rise and fall of the breath
As it comes in… as it flows out…
Really letting it flow out
In your very own timing
As it comes in, really letting it flow out
As it comes in, really letting it flow out
And now allowing the breathing to find its own rhythm again
In the way that it wants to
Becoming aware of the neck
And the whole of the head
Letting the corners of the eyes really drop
The corners of the mouth and of the jaw
Really drop
Allowing the whole face to soften

Let your awareness rest on your shoulders
On your elbows
Your forearms, right down to the tips
Of your fingers

Feel the skin on your shoulders
Breathe in and out
Your elbows
Your forearms
Your wrists
Your fingers
Aware of where they are resting

Breathing in, be aware of the whole of your body
Breathing out, be aware of the whole of your body
Feel your skin breathing in, breathing out
Breathing in, calm the whole of your body
Breathing out, calm the whole of your body

You are resting peacefully

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