Natural desire

The natural desire of woman is to create harmony around her; with nature, her family, and friends and of course herself. We desire to live in peace with ourselves and our loved ones. And feeling in touch in harmony with natural forces, even those we don’t know or understand, but we feel.


MyTime Cosmetics shares the desire to feel harmony and in communion with all life by actively empowering our energy. Getting to the place where you operate best and feel calm is where you are grounded and strong. This is a goal which we all share and this feeling of congruence between our choices and our way of life is reflected in the projects we take on, the food we eat and the way we think about our actions.


Wherever we may be, however distraught or worried, some very simple processes can help us find a foothold, or strengthen the one we are creating. A human body is made up of approximately 50 trillion cells, all working together. Cooperation and collaboration are at the heart of this organisational miracle.


And yet very simple things can impact us positively and negatively. Our blood is the agent that conducts the chemical instructions that come from our brains, and our thoughts change these messages. When we live in fear, our brain sends signals to be alert and emphasise a fight or flight response. Great if we need to outwit a sabre tooth tiger, but in the meantime our bodies closes down the healing process. And that’s no good for the skin.


To heal, grow and nourish our skin we must think right. Calm and inner-peace are full of a healing energy that nourishes and invigorates the body. This energy helps us to feel more alive centred and loved. Harmony is at the centre of the caring process that our body and skin needs to flourish.


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